Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March Wrap Up

I got through eight books these month which am very proud of. It beats my 4 of last month. Anyway two of the eight where paperbacks and the rest is ebooks. My eight books these month was:
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak I of course gave it 5/5 because everything about it was cute and you just get sucked right in.
Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion which I gave a 5/5 and wished that the movie stuck more to the book then it did. 
How to Love by Katie Cotugno was a cute contemporary book about first love and how to come back to each other. I gave this book a 5/5 for pure cuteness. 
Losing it and Keeping Her by Cora Carmack. I gave Losing It a 3/5 I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought and liked the concept but the flow wasn't there. Now Keeping Her is the novella to the first book and I gave that one a 5/5 because I enjoyed it much more. 
Vampire Academy and Frostbite by Richelle Mead. I gave Vampire Academy a 4/5 just because the pacing was a little slow in the beginning, but about halfway I really got into it. The second book Frostbite got a 5/5 because I enjoyed these book from beginning to end and couldn't put it down. The thing about the Vampire Academy series is that I didn't relieve there was such a mystery to it and am really enjoying the series for the first time.
Tainted by K.A Robinson was the last book I just got in at the of the month and am proud of that. This is the last book of the Torn series and was told in three parts. All around I gave this book a 4/5 and if you haven't started the series you should. 

Am deciding on my April TBR but do have some books I want to get through this month and so am still going though that. And when I have decide I'll post my TBR list. Until then happy reading :)


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